Winter is Coming!

What has you more excited? The return of HBO's "Game of Thrones" series (Season 5) in 2015 or waiting for writer George R.R. Martin to complete the next book in the series (Winds of Winter, no scheduled release date)?

Whatever your answer, we can all agree that winter is indeed coming, especially in North America. And just to throw more fuel on the fire, even The Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting "that this winter will be another arctic blast with above-normal snowfall".



Perfect weather for binge-watching the entire Game of Thrones series on HBO from the beginning or (better?) curling up in front of the fire with the original "Game of Thrones" book and reliving the adventures of the Stark family. If you're going to go deep into the world of King's Landing, why not do it in comfortable style?

Camp Tuque's Fall/Winter Collection features Men's and Ladies' newly designed and improved comfort hooded-sweatshirts, which are sure to keep you comfortable and warm this winter!

April 13, 2015