You made it! Congratulations on finding us!
We've been around since your granddad was a little youngster, and we're still around to serve you today. We've taken on different names and logos, we've been tossed under the couch, or thrown in your hockey bag. But we are always there too keep you looking good, keep you warm and keep you comfy. Who are we?
We are Canadian clothing.
We keep you warm, we keep you comfy, we protect you against the elements of the outdoors, or against your sister nudging you to get the television remote. You can wear us, lie on us, hold us, lose us or even forget about us, but the fact remains, we are there for you when you need us!
We keep you looking good and we keep your image FRESH – like the outdoor air! You make us here in Canada and by wearing us YOU make yourself more Canadian ...if that's even possible.
You can start by checking out Our Outdoor Gear Page on your left, and just underneath me!